British homes

20 Tudor Style Homes To Swoon Over Tudor style homes, Tudor house exterior, Tudo

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There are seven main types of houses you can find in the UK: detached, semi-detached, terrace, end of terrace, bungalow, cottage and flats.
Some common types include terraced houses, semi-detached houses, detached houses, bungalows, and flats (apartments). Additionally, some traditional English housing styles include Tudor-style houses, Georgian-style houses, and Victorian-style houses.
The research shows that, at an average of just 818 sq ft, the UK is home to one of the smallest average property sizes in the world. In fact, of the other 19 nations analysed by Moverly, just China (646 sq ft), Russia (614 sq ft) and India (504 sq ft) were home to a smaller average property size.
More recent data suggests there are around 29.9 million dwellings in the UK, made up of roughly 25 million dwellings in England, 1.5 million dwellings in Wales, 2.67 million dwellings in Scotland, and 822,083 in Northern Ireland.
Typical features you'll find in a British home include old fireplaces with a chimney, radiators in each room, carpets, window sills and exposed brick walls. Depending on the size of the house, you may also find a cellar, a basement and an attic space in the roof.

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